
public struct HasManyAssociation<Origin, Destination>: Association

The HasMany association indicates a one-to-many connection between two record types, such as each instance of the declaring record has many instances of the other record.

For example, if your application includes authors and books, and each author is assigned zero or more books, you’d declare the association this way:

struct Book: TableRecord { ... }
struct Author: TableRecord {
    static let books = hasMany(Book.self)

HasMany associations should be supported by an SQLite foreign key.

Foreign keys are the recommended way to declare relationships between database tables because not only will SQLite guarantee the integrity of your data, but GRDB will be able to use those foreign keys to automatically configure your association.

You define the foreign key when you create database tables. For example:

try db.create(table: "author") { t in
    t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id")             // (1)
    t.column("name", .text)
try db.create(table: "book") { t in
    t.column("authorId", .integer)                // (2)
        .notNull()                                // (3)
        .indexed()                                // (4)
        .references("author", onDelete: .cascade) // (5)
    t.column("title", .text)
  1. The author table has a primary key.
  2. The book.authorId column is used to link a book to the author it belongs to.
  3. Make the book.authorId column not null if you want SQLite to guarantee that all books have an author.
  4. Create an index on the book.authorId column in order to ease the selection of an author’s books.
  5. Create a foreign key from book.authorId column to authors.id, so that SQLite guarantees that no book refers to a missing author. The onDelete: .cascade option has SQLite automatically delete all of an author’s books when that author is deleted. See https://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html#fk_actions for more information.

The example above uses auto-incremented primary keys. But generally speaking, all primary keys are supported.

If the database schema does not define foreign keys between tables, you can still use HasMany associations. But your help is needed to define the missing foreign key:

struct Author: TableRecord {
    static let books = hasMany(Book.self, using: ForeignKey(...))

See ForeignKey for more information.