
public protocol DatabaseReader : AnyObject

The protocol for all types that can fetch values from a database.

It is adopted by DatabaseQueue and DatabasePool.

The protocol comes with isolation guarantees that describe the behavior of adopting types in a multithreaded application.

Types that adopt the protocol can provide in practice stronger guarantees. For example, DatabaseQueue provides a stronger isolation level than DatabasePool.

Warning: Isolation guarantees stand as long as there is no external connection to the database. Should you have to cope with external connections, protect yourself with transactions, and be ready to setup a busy handler.

  • Synchronously executes a read-only block that takes a database connection, and returns its result.

    Guarantee 1: the block argument is isolated. Eventual concurrent database updates are not visible inside the block:

    try { db in
        // Those two values are guaranteed to be equal, even if the
        // `wine` table is modified between the two requests:
        let count1 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!
        let count2 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!
    try { db in
        // Now this value may be different:
        let count = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!

    Guarantee 2: Starting iOS 8.2, OSX 10.10, and with custom SQLite builds and SQLCipher, attempts to write in the database throw a DatabaseError whose resultCode is SQLITE_READONLY.


    The error thrown by the block, or any DatabaseError that would happen while establishing the read access to the database.



    func read<T>(_ block: (Database) throws -> T) throws -> T



    A block that accesses the database.

  • Synchronously executes a read-only block that takes a database connection, and returns its result.

    The two guarantees of the safe read method are lifted:

    The block argument is not isolated: eventual concurrent database updates are visible inside the block:

    try reader.unsafeRead { db in
        // Those two values may be different because some other thread
        // may have inserted or deleted a wine between the two requests:
        let count1 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!
        let count2 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!

    Cursor iterations are isolated, though:

    try reader.unsafeRead { db in
        // No concurrent update can mess with this iteration:
        let rows = try Row.fetchCursor(db, sql: "SELECT ...")
        while let row = try { ... }

    The block argument is not prevented from writing (DatabaseQueue, in particular, will accept database modifications in unsafeRead).


    The error thrown by the block, or any DatabaseError that would happen while establishing the read access to the database.



    func unsafeRead<T>(_ block: (Database) throws -> T) throws -> T



    A block that accesses the database.

  • Synchronously executes a block that takes a database connection, and returns its result.

    The two guarantees of the safe read method are lifted:

    The block argument is not isolated: eventual concurrent database updates are visible inside the block:

    try reader.unsafeReentrantRead { db in
        // Those two values may be different because some other thread
        // may have inserted or deleted a wine between the two requests:
        let count1 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!
        let count2 = try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wine")!

    Cursor iterations are isolated, though:

    try reader.unsafeReentrantRead { db in
        // No concurrent update can mess with this iteration:
        let rows = try Row.fetchCursor(db, sql: "SELECT ...")
        while let row = try { ... }

    The block argument is not prevented from writing (DatabaseQueue, in particular, will accept database modifications in unsafeReentrantRead).


    The error thrown by the block, or any DatabaseError that would happen while establishing the read access to the database.

    This method is reentrant. It should be avoided because it fosters dangerous concurrency practices.



    func unsafeReentrantRead<T>(_ block: (Database) throws -> T) throws -> T



    A block that accesses the database.

  • Add or redefine an SQL function.

    let fn = DatabaseFunction("succ", argumentCount: 1) { dbValues in
        guard let int = Int.fromDatabaseValue(dbValues[0]) else {
            return nil
        return int + 1
    reader.add(function: fn)
    try { db in
        try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT succ(1)")! // 2



    func add(function: DatabaseFunction)
  • Remove an SQL function.



    func remove(function: DatabaseFunction)
  • Add or redefine a collation.

    let collation = DatabaseCollation("localized_standard") { (string1, string2) in
        return (string1 as NSString).localizedStandardCompare(string2)
    reader.add(collation: collation)
    try reader.execute(sql: "SELECT * FROM file ORDER BY name COLLATE localized_standard")



    func add(collation: DatabaseCollation)
  • Remove a collation.



    func remove(collation: DatabaseCollation)
  • backup(to:) Extension method

    Copies the database contents into another database.

    The backup method blocks the current thread until the destination database contains the same contents as the source database.

    When the source is a DatabasePool, concurrent writes can happen during the backup. Those writes may, or may not, be reflected in the backup, but they won’t trigger any error.



    public func backup(to writer: DatabaseWriter) throws