
public struct ValueObservation<Reducer> where Reducer : ValueReducer

ValueObservation tracks changes in the results of database requests, and notifies fresh values whenever the database changes.

For example:

let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db in
    try Player.fetchAll(db)

let cancellable = try observation.start(
    in: dbQueue,
    onError: { error in ... },
    onChange: { players: [Player] in
        print("Players have changed.")
  • Default is false. Set this property to true when the observation requires write access in order to fetch fresh values. Fetches are then wrapped inside a savepoint.

    Don’t set this flag to true unless you really need it. A read/write observation is less efficient than a read-only observation.



    public var requiresWriteAccess: Bool

Starting Observation

  • Starts the value observation in the provided database reader (such as a database queue or database pool).

    The observation lasts until the returned cancellable is cancelled or deallocated.

    For example:

    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try Player.fetchAll(db)
    let cancellable = try observation.start(
        in: dbQueue,
        onError: { error in ... },
        onChange: { players: [Player] in
            print("fresh players: \(players)")

    By default, fresh values are dispatched asynchronously on the main queue. You can change this behavior by providing a scheduler. For example, .immediate notifies all values on the main queue as well, and the first one is immediately notified when the start() method is called:

    let cancellable = try observation.start(
        in: dbQueue,
        scheduling: .immediate, // <-
        onError: { error in ... },
        onChange: { players: [Player] in
            print("fresh players: \(players)")
    // <- here "fresh players" is already printed.



    public func start(
        in reader: DatabaseReader,
        scheduling scheduler: ValueObservationScheduler = .async(onQueue: .main),
        onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void,
        onChange: @escaping (Reducer.Value) -> Void) -> DatabaseCancellable



    A DatabaseReader.


    A Scheduler. By default, fresh values are dispatched asynchronously on the main queue.


    A closure that is provided eventual errors that happen during observation


    A closure that is provided fresh values

    Return Value

    a DatabaseCancellable


  • Performs the specified closures when ValueObservation events occur.



    public func handleEvents(
        willStart: (() -> Void)? = nil,
        willFetch: (() -> Void)? = nil,
        willTrackRegion: ((DatabaseRegion) -> Void)? = nil,
        databaseDidChange: (() -> Void)? = nil,
        didReceiveValue: ((Reducer.Value) -> Void)? = nil,
        didFail: ((Error) -> Void)? = nil,
        didCancel: (() -> Void)? = nil)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Trace<Reducer>>



    A closure that executes when the observation starts. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes when the observed value is about to be fetched. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes when the observation starts tracking a database region. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes after the observation was impacted by a database change. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes on fresh values. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes when the observation fails. Defaults to nil.


    A closure that executes when the observation is cancelled. Defaults to nil.

    Return Value

    A ValueObservation that performs the specified closures when ValueObservation events occur.

  • Prints log messages for all ValueObservation events.



    public func print(
        _ prefix: String = "",
        to stream: TextOutputStream? = nil)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Trace<Reducer>>

Publishing Observed Values

  • Creates a publisher which tracks changes in database values.

    For example:

    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try Player.fetchAll(db)
    let cancellable = observation
        .publisher(in: dbQueue)
            receiveCompletion: { completion in ... },
            receiveValue: { players: [Player] in
                print("fresh players: \(players)")

    By default, fresh values are dispatched asynchronously on the main queue. You can change this behavior by by providing a scheduler.

    For example, .immediate notifies all values on the main queue as well, and the first one is immediately notified when the publisher is subscribed:

    let cancellable = observation
            in: dbQueue,
            scheduling: .immediate) // <-
            receiveCompletion: { completion in ... },
            receiveValue: { players: [Player] in
                print("fresh players: \(players)")
    // <- here "fresh players" is already printed.

    Note that the .immediate scheduler requires that the publisher is subscribed from the main thread. It raises a fatal error otherwise.



    @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
    public func publisher(
        in reader: DatabaseReader,
        scheduling scheduler: ValueObservationScheduler = .async(onQueue: .main))
        -> DatabasePublishers.Value<Reducer.Value>



    A DatabaseReader.


    A Scheduler. By default, fresh values are dispatched asynchronously on the main queue.

    Return Value

    A Combine publisher

  • Returns a ValueObservation which notifies the results of calling the given transformation which each element notified by this value observation.



    public func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Reducer.Value) -> T)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Map<Reducer, T>>

Creating ValueObservation

  • Creates an optimized ValueObservation that notifies the values returned by the fetch function whenever a database transaction changes them.

    The optimization only kicks in when the observation is started from a DatabasePool: fresh values are fetched concurrently, and do not block database writes.


    The fetch function must perform requests that fetch from a single and constant database region. The tracked region is made of tables, columns, and, when possible, rowids of individual rows. All changes that happen outside of this region do not impact the observation.

    For example:

    // Tracks the full 'player' table
    let observation = ValueObservation.trackingConstantRegion { db -> [Player] in
        try Player.fetchAll(db)
    // Tracks the row with id 42 in the 'player' table
    let observation = ValueObservation.trackingConstantRegion { db -> Player? in
        try Player.fetchOne(db, key: 42)
    // Tracks the 'score' column in the 'player' table
    let observation = ValueObservation.trackingConstantRegion { db -> Int? in
    // Tracks both the 'player' and 'team' tables
    let observation = ValueObservation.trackingConstantRegion { db -> ([Team], [Player]) in
        let teams = try Team.fetchAll(db)
        let players = try Player.fetchAll(db)
        return (teams, players)

    When you want to observe a varying database region, make sure you use the ValueObservation.tracking(_:) method instead, or else some changes will not be notified.

    For example, consider those three observations below that depend on some user preference. They all track a varying region, and must use ValueObservation.tracking(_:):

    // Does not always track the same row in the player table.
    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db -> Player? in
        let pref = try Preference.fetchOne(db) ?? .default
        return try Player.fetchOne(db, key: pref.favoritePlayerId)
    // Only tracks the 'user' table if there are some blocked emails.
    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db -> [User] in
        let pref = try Preference.fetchOne(db) ?? .default
        let blockedEmails = pref.blockedEmails
        return try User.filter(blockedEmails.contains(Column("email"))).fetchAll(db)
    // Sometimes tracks the 'food' table, and sometimes the 'beverage' table.
    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db -> Int in
        let pref = try Preference.fetchOne(db) ?? .default
        switch pref.selection {
        case .food: return try Food.fetchCount(db)
        case .beverage: return try Beverage.fetchCount(db)



    public static func trackingConstantRegion<Value>(
        _ fetch: @escaping (Database) throws -> Value)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Fetch<Value>>



    A function that fetches the observed value from the database.

  • Creates a ValueObservation that notifies the values returned by the fetch function whenever a database transaction changes them.

    For example:

    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try Player.fetchAll(db)
    let cancellable = try observation.start(
        in: dbQueue,
        onError: { error in ... },
        onChange: { players: [Player] in
            print("Players have changed")



    public static func tracking<Value>(
        _ fetch: @escaping (Database) throws -> Value)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Fetch<Value>>



    A function that fetches the observed value from the database.

  • Creates a ValueObservation that notifies the values returned by the fetch function whenever a database transaction changes them.

    For example:

    let observation = ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try Player.fetchAll(db)
    let cancellable = try observation.start(
        in: dbQueue,
        onError: { error in ... },
        onChange: { players: [Player] in
            print("Players have changed")



    @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "tracking(_:﹚")
    public static func trackingVaryingRegion<Value>(
        _ fetch: @escaping (Database) throws -> Value)
        -> ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Fetch<Value>>



    A function that fetches the observed value from the database.

Available where Reducer.Value: Equatable