
public protocol MutablePersistableRecord : TableRecord

Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can be inserted, updated, and deleted.

  • persistenceConflictPolicy Default implementation

    The policy that handles SQLite conflicts when records are inserted or updated.

    This property is optional: its default value uses the ABORT policy for both insertions and updates, and has GRDB generate regular INSERT and UPDATE queries.

    If insertions are resolved with .ignore policy, the didInsert(with:for:) method is not called upon successful insertion, even if a row was actually inserted without any conflict.


    Default Implementation

    Describes the conflict policy for insertions and updates.

    The default value specifies ABORT policy for both insertions and updates, which has GRDB generate regular INSERT and UPDATE queries.



    static var persistenceConflictPolicy: PersistenceConflictPolicy { get }
  • encode(to:) Default implementation

    Defines the values persisted in the database.

    Store in the container argument all values that should be stored in the columns of the database table (see databaseTableName()).

    Primary key columns, if any, must be included.

    struct Player : MutablePersistableRecord {
        var id: Int64?
        var name: String?
        func encode(to container: inout PersistenceContainer) {
            container["id"] = id
            container["name"] = name

    It is undefined behavior to set different values for the same column. Column names are case insensitive, so defining both name and NAME is considered undefined behavior.

    Default Implementation



    func encode(to container: inout PersistenceContainer)
  • didInsert(with:for:) Default implementation

    Notifies the record that it was succesfully inserted.

    Do not call this method directly: it is called for you, in a protected dispatch queue, with the inserted RowID and the eventual INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column name.

    This method is optional: the default implementation does nothing.

    struct Player : MutablePersistableRecord {
        var id: Int64?
        var name: String?
        mutating func didInsert(with rowID: Int64, for column: String?) {
   = rowID

    Default Implementation

    Notifies the record that it was succesfully inserted.

    The default implementation does nothing.



    mutating func didInsert(with rowID: Int64, for column: String?)



    The inserted rowID.


    The name of the eventual INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column.

  • insert(_:) Default implementation

    Executes an INSERT statement.

    This method is guaranteed to have inserted a row in the database if it returns without error.

    Upon successful insertion, the didInsert(with:for:) method is called with the inserted RowID and the eventual INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column name.

    This method has a default implementation, so your adopting types don’t have to implement it. Yet your types can provide their own implementation of insert(). In their implementation, it is recommended that they invoke the performInsert() method.


    A DatabaseError whenever an SQLite error occurs.

    Default Implementation

    Executes an INSERT statement.

    The default implementation for insert() invokes performInsert().



    mutating func insert(_ db: Database) throws



    A database connection.

  • update(_:columns:) Default implementation

    Executes an UPDATE statement.

    This method is guaranteed to have updated a row in the database if it returns without error.

    This method has a default implementation, so your adopting types don’t have to implement it. Yet your types can provide their own implementation of update(). In their implementation, it is recommended that they invoke the performUpdate() method.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.

    Default Implementation

    Executes an UPDATE statement.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.

    Executes an UPDATE statement.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.

    Executes an UPDATE statement.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.



    func update(_ db: Database, columns: Set<String>) throws



    A database connection.


    The columns to update.

  • save(_:) Default implementation

    Executes an INSERT or an UPDATE statement so that self is saved in the database.

    If the receiver has a non-nil primary key and a matching row in the database, this method performs an update.

    Otherwise, performs an insert.

    This method is guaranteed to have inserted or updated a row in the database if it returns without error.

    This method has a default implementation, so your adopting types don’t have to implement it. Yet your types can provide their own implementation of save(). In their implementation, it is recommended that they invoke the performSave() method.


    A DatabaseError whenever an SQLite error occurs, or errors thrown by update().

    Default Implementation

    Executes an INSERT or an UPDATE statement so that self is saved in the database.

    The default implementation for save() invokes performSave().



    mutating func save(_ db: Database) throws



    A database connection.

  • delete(_:) Default implementation

    Executes a DELETE statement.

    This method has a default implementation, so your adopting types don’t have to implement it. Yet your types can provide their own implementation of delete(). In their implementation, it is recommended that they invoke the performDelete() method.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

    Default Implementation

    Executes a DELETE statement.

    The default implementation for delete() invokes performDelete().



    func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool



    A database connection.

    Return Value

    Whether a database row was deleted.

  • exists(_:) Default implementation

    Returns true if and only if the primary key matches a row in the database.

    This method has a default implementation, so your adopting types don’t have to implement it. Yet your types can provide their own implementation of exists(). In their implementation, it is recommended that they invoke the performExists() method.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

    Default Implementation

    Returns true if and only if the primary key matches a row in the database.

    The default implementation for exists() invokes performExists().



    func exists(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool



    A database connection.

    Return Value

    Whether the primary key matches a row in the database.

  • databaseEncodingUserInfo Default implementation

    When the PersistableRecord type also adopts the standard Encodable protocol, you can use this dictionary to customize the encoding process into database rows.

    For example:

    // A key that holds a encoder's name
    let encoderName = CodingUserInfoKey(rawValue: "encoderName")!
    // A PersistableRecord + Encodable record
    struct Player: PersistableRecord, Encodable {
        // Customize the encoder name when encoding a database row
        static let databaseEncodingUserInfo: [CodingUserInfoKey: Any] = [encoderName: "Database"]
        func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            // Print the encoder name
    let player = Player(...)
    // prints "Database"
    try player.insert(db)
    // prints "JSON"
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    encoder.userInfo = [encoderName: "JSON"]
    let data = try encoder.encode(player)

    Default Implementation



    static var databaseEncodingUserInfo: [CodingUserInfoKey : Any] { get }
  • databaseJSONEncoder(for:) Default implementation

    When the PersistableRecord type also adopts the standard Encodable protocol, this method controls the encoding process of nested properties into JSON database columns.

    The default implementation returns a JSONEncoder with the following properties:

    • dataEncodingStrategy: .base64
    • dateEncodingStrategy: .millisecondsSince1970
    • nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: .throw
    • outputFormatting: .sortedKeys (iOS 11.0+, macOS 10.13+, watchOS 4.0+)

    You can override those defaults:

    struct Achievement: Encodable {
        var name: String
        var date: Date
    struct Player: Encodable, PersistableRecord {
        // stored in a JSON column
        var achievements: [Achievement]
        static func databaseJSONEncoder(for column: String) -> JSONEncoder {
            let encoder = JSONEncoder()
            encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601
            return encoder

    Default Implementation



    static func databaseJSONEncoder(for column: String) -> JSONEncoder
  • databaseDateEncodingStrategy Default implementation

    When the PersistableRecord type also adopts the standard Encodable protocol, this property controls the encoding of date properties.

    Default value is .deferredToDate

    For example:

    struct Player: PersistableRecord, Encodable {
        static let databaseDateEncodingStrategy: DatabaseDateEncodingStrategy = .timeIntervalSince1970
        var name: String
        var registrationDate: Date // encoded as an epoch timestamp

    Default Implementation



    static var databaseDateEncodingStrategy: DatabaseDateEncodingStrategy { get }
  • databaseUUIDEncodingStrategy Default implementation

    When the PersistableRecord type also adopts the standard Encodable protocol, this property controls the encoding of UUID properties.

    Default value is .deferredToUUID

    For example:

    struct Player: PersistableProtocol, Encodable {
        static let databaseUUIDEncodingStrategy: DatabaseUUIDEncodingStrategy = .string
        // encoded in a string like "E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F"
        var uuid: UUID

    Default Implementation



    static var databaseUUIDEncodingStrategy: DatabaseUUIDEncodingStrategy { get }
  • request(for:) Extension method

    Creates a request that fetches the associated record(s).

    For example:

    struct Team: {
        static let players = hasMany(Player.self)
        var players: QueryInterfaceRequest<Player> {
            return request(for: Team.players)
    let team: Team = ...
    let players = try team.players.fetchAll(db) // [Player]



    public func request<A>(for association: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<A.RowDecoder> where Self == A.OriginRowDecoder, A : Association
  • update(_:) Extension method

    Executes an UPDATE statement that updates all table columns.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.



    public func update(_ db: Database) throws



    A database connection.

  • updateChanges(_:from:) Extension method

    If the record has differences from the other record, executes an UPDATE statement so that those changes and only those changes are saved in the database.

    This method is guaranteed to have saved the eventual changes in the database if it returns without error.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database and record could not be updated.



    public func updateChanges(_ db: Database, from record: MutablePersistableRecord) throws -> Bool



    A database connection.


    The columns to update.

    Return Value

    Whether the record had changes.

  • databaseEquals(_:) Extension method

    Returns a boolean indicating whether this record and the other record have the same database representation.



    public func databaseEquals(_ record: Self) -> Bool
  • databaseChanges(from:) Extension method

    A dictionary of values changed from the other record.

    Its keys are column names. Its values come from the other record.

    Note that this method is not symmetrical, not only in terms of values, but also in terms of columns. When the two records don’t define the same set of columns in their encode(to:) method, only the columns defined by the receiver record are considered.



    public func databaseChanges(from record: MutablePersistableRecord) -> [String : DatabaseValue]
  • performInsert(_:) Extension method

    Don’t invoke this method directly: it is an internal method for types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord.

    performInsert() provides the default implementation for insert(). Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can invoke performInsert() in their implementation of insert(). They should not provide their own implementation of performInsert().



    public mutating func performInsert(_ db: Database) throws
  • performUpdate(_:columns:) Extension method

    Don’t invoke this method directly: it is an internal method for types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord.

    performUpdate() provides the default implementation for update(). Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can invoke performUpdate() in their implementation of update(). They should not provide their own implementation of performUpdate().


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs. PersistenceError.recordNotFound is thrown if the primary key does not match any row in the database.



    public func performUpdate(_ db: Database, columns: Set<String>) throws



    A database connection.


    The columns to update.

  • performSave(_:) Extension method

    Don’t invoke this method directly: it is an internal method for types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord.

    performSave() provides the default implementation for save(). Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can invoke performSave() in their implementation of save(). They should not provide their own implementation of performSave().

    This default implementation forwards the job to update or insert.



    public mutating func performSave(_ db: Database) throws
  • performDelete(_:) Extension method

    Don’t invoke this method directly: it is an internal method for types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord.

    performDelete() provides the default implementation for deelte(). Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can invoke performDelete() in their implementation of delete(). They should not provide their own implementation of performDelete().



    public func performDelete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool
  • performExists(_:) Extension method

    Don’t invoke this method directly: it is an internal method for types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord.

    performExists() provides the default implementation for exists(). Types that adopt MutablePersistableRecord can invoke performExists() in their implementation of exists(). They should not provide their own implementation of performExists().



    public func performExists(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool
  • deleteAll(_:) Extension method

    Deletes all records; returns the number of deleted rows.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.



    public static func deleteAll(_ db: Database) throws -> Int



    A database connection.

    Return Value

    The number of deleted rows

  • deleteAll(_:keys:) Extension method

    Delete records identified by their primary keys; returns the number of deleted rows.

    // DELETE FROM player WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
    try Player.deleteAll(db, keys: [1, 2, 3])
    // DELETE FROM country WHERE code IN ('FR', 'US', 'DE')
    try Country.deleteAll(db, keys: ["FR", "US", "DE"])

    When the table has no explicit primary key, GRDB uses the hidden rowid column:

    // DELETE FROM document WHERE rowid IN (1, 2, 3)
    try Document.deleteAll(db, keys: [1, 2, 3])



    public static func deleteAll<Sequence>(_ db: Database, keys: Sequence) throws -> Int where Sequence : Sequence, Sequence.Element : DatabaseValueConvertible



    A database connection.


    A sequence of primary keys.

    Return Value

    The number of deleted rows

  • deleteOne(_:key:) Extension method

    Delete a record, identified by its primary key; returns whether a database row was deleted.

    // DELETE FROM player WHERE id = 123
    try Player.deleteOne(db, key: 123)
    // DELETE FROM country WHERE code = 'FR'
    try Country.deleteOne(db, key: "FR")

    When the table has no explicit primary key, GRDB uses the hidden rowid column:

    // DELETE FROM document WHERE rowid = 1
    try Document.deleteOne(db, key: 1)



    public static func deleteOne<PrimaryKeyType>(_ db: Database, key: PrimaryKeyType?) throws -> Bool where PrimaryKeyType : DatabaseValueConvertible



    A database connection.


    A primary key value.

    Return Value

    Whether a database row was deleted.

  • deleteAll(_:keys:) Extension method

    Delete records identified by the provided unique keys (primary key or any key with a unique index on it); returns the number of deleted rows.

    try Player.deleteAll(db, keys: [["email": ""], ["email": ""]])



    public static func deleteAll(_ db: Database, keys: [[String : DatabaseValueConvertible?]]) throws -> Int



    A database connection.


    An array of key dictionaries.

    Return Value

    The number of deleted rows

  • deleteOne(_:key:) Extension method

    Delete a record, identified by a unique key (the primary key or any key with a unique index on it); returns whether a database row was deleted.

    Player.deleteOne(db, key: ["name": Arthur"])



    public static func deleteOne(_ db: Database, key: [String : DatabaseValueConvertible?]) throws -> Bool



    A database connection.


    A dictionary of values.

    Return Value

    Whether a database row was deleted.