public enum BusyMode
When there are several connections to a database, a connection may try to access the database while it is locked by another connection.
The BusyMode enum describes the behavior of GRDB when such a situation occurs:
.immediateError: The SQLITE_BUSY error is immediately returned to the connection that tries to access the locked database.
.timeout: The SQLITE_BUSY error will be returned only if the database remains locked for more than the specified duration.
.callback: Perform your custom lock handling.
To set the busy mode of a database, use Configuration:
// Wait 1 second before failing with SQLITE_BUSY
let configuration = Configuration(busyMode: .timeout(1))
let dbQueue = DatabaseQueue(path: "...", configuration: configuration)
Relevant SQLite documentation:
The SQLITE_BUSY error is immediately returned to the connection that tries to access the locked database.
case immediateError
The SQLITE_BUSY error will be returned only if the database remains locked for more than the specified duration (in seconds).
case timeout(TimeInterval)
A custom callback that is called when a database is locked. See https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/busy_handler.html
case callback(BusyCallback)