public final class FTS4ColumnDefinition
The FTS4ColumnDefinition class lets you refine a column of an FTS4 virtual table.
You get instances of this class when you create an FTS4 table:
try db.create(virtualTable: "document", using: FTS4()) { t in
t.column("content") // FTS4ColumnDefinition
Excludes the column from the full-text index.
try db.create(virtualTable: "document", using: FTS4()) { t in t.column("a") t.column("b").notIndexed() }
@available(OSX 10.10, *) @discardableResult public func notIndexed() -> Self
Return Value
Self so that you can further refine the column definition.
Uses the column as the Int32 language id hidden column.
try db.create(virtualTable: "document", using: FTS4()) { t in t.column("a") t.column("lid").asLanguageId() }
@discardableResult public func asLanguageId() -> Self
Return Value
Self so that you can further refine the column definition.