
The protocol for all requests that feed from a database table

  • The name of the database table

  • Creates a request that allows you to define expressions that target a specific database table.

    In the example below, the “team.avgScore < player.score” condition in the ON clause could be not achieved without table aliases.

    struct Player: TableRecord {
        static let team = belongsTo(Team.self)
    // SELECT player.*, team.*
    // JOIN team ON ... AND team.avgScore < player.score
    let playerAlias = TableAlias()
    let request = Player
        .including(required:"avgScore") < playerAlias[Column("score")])

Full Text Search

  • matching(_:) Extension method

    Creates a request with a full-text predicate added to the eventual set of already applied predicates.

    // SELECT * FROM book WHERE book MATCH '...'
    var request = Book.all()
    request = request.matching(pattern)

    If the search pattern is nil, the request does not match any database row.


  • filter(key:) Extension method

    Creates a request filtered by primary key.

    // SELECT * FROM player WHERE ... id = 1
    let request = try Player...filter(key: 1)
  • filter(keys:) Extension method

    Creates a request filtered by primary key.

    // SELECT * FROM player WHERE ... id IN (1, 2, 3)
    let request = try Player...filter(keys: [1, 2, 3])
  • orderByPrimaryKey() Extension method

    Creates a request ordered by primary key.

  • groupByPrimaryKey() Extension method

    Creates a request grouped by primary key.