
QueryInterfaceRequest is a request that generates SQL for you.

For example:

try dbQueue.read { db in
    let request = Player
        .filter(Column("score") > 1000)
    let players = try request.fetchAll(db) // [Player]

See https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#the-query-interface

Request Derivation

  • Creates a request which selects selection promise.

    // SELECT id, email FROM player
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request.select { db in [Column("id"), Column("email")] }

    Any previous selection is replaced:

    // SELECT email FROM player
        .select { db in [Column("id")] }
        .select { db in [Column("email")] }
  • Creates a request which selects selection, and fetches values of type type.

    try dbQueue.read { db in
        // SELECT max(score) FROM player
        let request = Player.all().select([max(Column("score"))], as: Int.self)
        let maxScore: Int? = try request.fetchOne(db)
  • Creates a request which selects sql, and fetches values of type type.

    try dbQueue.read { db in
        // SELECT max(score) FROM player
        let request = Player.all().select(sql: "max(score)", as: Int.self)
        let maxScore: Int? = try request.fetchOne(db)
  • Creates a request which selects an SQL literal, and fetches values of type type.

    Literals allow you to safely embed raw values in your SQL, without any risk of syntax errors or SQL injection:

    // SELECT IFNULL(name, 'Anonymous') FROM player
    let defaultName = "Anonymous"
    let request = Player.all().select(
        literal: "IFNULL(name, \(defaultName))",
        as: String.self)
    let name: String? = try request.fetchOne(db)
  • Creates a request which selects the primary key.

    All primary keys are supported:

    // SELECT id FROM player WHERE ...
    let request = try Player.filter(...).selectPrimaryKey(as: Int64.self)
    // SELECT code FROM country WHERE ...
    let request = try Country.filter(...).selectPrimaryKey(as: String.self)
    // SELECT citizenId, countryCode FROM citizenship WHERE ...
    let request = try Citizenship.filter(...).selectPrimaryKey(as: Row.self)
  • Creates a request which appends selection promise.

    // SELECT id, email, name FROM player
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request
        .select([Column("id"), Column("email")])
        .annotated(with: { db in [Column("name")] })
  • Creates a request with the provided predicate promise added to the eventual set of already applied predicates.

    // SELECT * FROM player WHERE 1
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request.filter { db in true }
  • Creates a request with the provided orderings promise.

    // SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request.order { _ in [Column("name")] }

    Any previous ordering is replaced:

    // SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name
        .order{ _ in [Column("email")] }
        .order{ _ in [Column("name")] }
  • Creates a request that reverses applied orderings.

    // SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name DESC
    var request = Player.all().order(Column("name"))
    request = request.reversed()

    If no ordering was applied, the returned request is identical.

    // SELECT * FROM player
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request.reversed()
  • Creates a request without any ordering.

    // SELECT * FROM player
    var request = Player.all().order(Column("name"))
    request = request.unordered()
  • Creates a request grouped according to expressions promise.

  • Creates a request with the provided predicate promise added to the eventual set of already applied predicates.

  • Creates a request that allows you to define expressions that target a specific database table.

    In the example below, the “team.avgScore < player.score” condition in the ON clause could be not achieved without table aliases.

    struct Player: TableRecord {
        static let team = belongsTo(Team.self)
    // SELECT player.*, team.*
    // JOIN team ON ... AND team.avgScore < player.score
    let playerAlias = TableAlias()
    let request = Player
        .including(required: Player.team.filter(Column("avgScore") < playerAlias[Column("score")])
  • Creates a request which fetches limit rows, starting at offset.

    // SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
    var request = Player.all()
    request = request.limit(10, offset: 20)

    Any previous limit is replaced.

  • Creates a request bound to type RowDecoder.

    The returned request can fetch if the type RowDecoder is fetchable (Row, value, record).

    // Int?
    let maxScore = try Player
        .asRequest(of: Int.self)    // <--

Check Existence

  • Returns true if the request matches no row in the database.

    try Player.filter(Column("name") == "Arthur").isEmpty(db)

Batch Delete

  • Deletes matching rows, and returns the number of deleted rows.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

Batch Delete and Fetch

  • Returns a DELETE ... RETURNING ... prepared statement.

    For example:

    // Delete all players and return their names
    // DELETE FROM player RETURNING name
    let request = Player.all()
    let statement = try request.deleteAndFetchStatement(db, selection: [Column("name")])
    let deletedNames = try String.fetchSet(statement)


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.


    selection is not empty.

  • Returns a cursor over a DELETE ... RETURNING ... statement.

    For example:

    // Fetch all deleted players
    let request = Player.all()
    let cursor = try request.deleteAndFetchCursor(db)
    let deletedPlayers = try Array(cursor) // [Player]


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

  • Executes a DELETE ... RETURNING ... statement and returns the deleted records.

    For example:

    // Fetch all deleted players
    let request = Player.all()
    let deletedPlayers = try request.deleteAndFetchAll(db)


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

  • Executes a DELETE ... RETURNING ... statement and returns the deleted records.

    For example:

    // Fetch all deleted players
    let request = Player.all()
    let deletedPlayers = try request.deleteAndFetchSet(db)


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

Batch Update

  • Updates matching rows, and returns the number of updated rows.

    For example:

    try dbQueue.write { db in
        // UPDATE player SET score = 0
        let request = Player.all()
        try request.updateAll(db, [Column("score").set(to: 0)])


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.

Batch Update and Fetch

  • Returns an UPDATE ... RETURNING ... prepared statement.

    For example:

    // Fetch all updated scores
    // UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING score
    let request = Player.all()
    let statement = try request.updateAndFetchStatement(
        db, [Column("score") += 10],
        select: [Column("score")])
    let updatedScores = try Int.fetchAll(statement)


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.


    selection and assignments are not empty.

  • Returns a cursor over an UPDATE ... RETURNING ... statement.

    For example:

    // Fetch all updated players
    // UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING *
    let request = Player.all()
    let cursor = try request.updateAndFetchCursor(db, [Column("score") += 10])
    let updatedPlayers = try Array(cursor) // [Player]


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.


    assignments is not empty.

  • Execute an UPDATE ... RETURNING ... statement and returns the updated records.

    For example:

    // Fetch all updated players
    // UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING *
    let request = Player.all()
    let updatedPlayers = try request.updateAndFetchAll(db, [Column("score") += 10])


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.


    assignments is not empty.

  • Execute an UPDATE ... RETURNING ... statement and returns the updated records.

    For example:

    // Fetch all updated players
    // UPDATE player SET score = score + 10 RETURNING *
    let request = Player.all()
    let updatedPlayers = try request.updateAndFetchSet(db, [Column("score") += 10])


    Make sure you check the documentation of the RETURNING clause, which describes important limitations and caveats: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html.


    A DatabaseError is thrown whenever an SQLite error occurs.


    assignments is not empty.