
ScopeAdapter is a row adapter that lets you define scopes on rows.

// Two adapters
let fooAdapter = ColumnMapping(["value": "foo"])
let barAdapter = ColumnMapping(["value": "bar"])

// Define scopes
let adapter = ScopeAdapter([
    "foo": fooAdapter,
    "bar": barAdapter])

// Fetch
let sql = "SELECT 'foo' AS foo, 'bar' AS bar"
let row = try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: sql, adapter: adapter)!

// Scoped rows:
if let fooRow = row.scopes["foo"] {
    fooRow["value"]    // "foo"
if let barRow = row.scopes["bar"] {
    barRow["value"]    // "bar"
  • Creates an adapter that preserves row contents and add scoped rows.

    For example:

    let adapter = ScopeAdapter(["suffix": SuffixRowAdapter(fromIndex: 1)])
    let row = try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT 1, 2, 3", adapter: adapter)!
    row                  // [1, 2, 3]
    row.scopes["suffix"] // [2, 3]
  • Creates an adapter based on the base adapter, and add scoped rows.

    For example:

    let baseAdapter = RangeRowAdapter(0..<1)
    let adapter = ScopeAdapter(base: baseAdapter, scopes: ["suffix": SuffixRowAdapter(fromIndex: 1)])
    let row = try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT 1, 2, 3", adapter: adapter)!
    row                   // [1]
    row.scopes["initial"] // [2, 3]

    If the base adapter already defines scopes, the given scopes replace eventual existing scopes with the same name.

    This initializer is equivalent to baseAdapter.addingScopes(scopes).